Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Manifest Destiny 19-36 Letter


Here we are again and i can't tell you enough how proud i am of this book! Three years of consistent high adventure, weird creatures, repellant history and layers of mystery. That's a high bar. Usually, i trust in low expectations for my happiness, so you guys are gonna ruin me!

"Sasquatch" was painful and luridly grotesque, i guess we will not soon see the end of atrocities that even well intentioned peoples can justify, but i am sure grateful that you guys don't romanticize just the fine elements of such campaigns as have been common in our history. In each case, the sasquatch, the ferzon before and each other later, Dingess, you've managed to make credible and plausible motivations in the members of the mission.

Roberts and Gieni continue to deliver differentiable character design, and a masterful manipulation of page layouts, detail and negative space like the well experienced engineer/artists they have become. I recently reread from issue 1 through to 36 and this facility is one of the greatest strengths of this title. Creature design, authenticity, and consistently powerful covers make Manifest Destiny a regular feast.

While the three different mission timelines was a bit confusing, once i twigged, they created a tremendous interest in the real history and introduced several interesting and psychological, as well as psychodelic, themes that feed perfectly into the long "winter without monsters" of which some complaint has arrived in this letter col.  Don't worry, these stories are fantastic! I loved Irene's revenge without need a translation. And that final confrontation between York and Jensen is great.  I hate that rat-faced bastard, Jensen! Don't dare kill him off.

So, on now to the resolution of Navath, the aftermath of York's mercy, and whatever-the-hell is going on with that latest arch!

'til next time, make mine Manifest Destiny (ya see what i did there? We'll miss you, Stan.)

Griffin Mauser
(like the monster; like the gun)


  1. Sub'd to West Words ( as of 2/6/19

  2. Response ish #8

    Three years?! We've been publishing this series since November 2013!!! [I was referring to since my last letter] Don't rob us of all that extra time and effort. In fact, work on this series began before I even joined Skybound, sometime in early 2012. just goes.

    Sean! Don't remind everyone of how long we've been going at this! It makes me feel old AND it makes me realize we should have waaay more issues to show for it.

    Having recently visited California Historical Landmark #20, Mission San Juan Capistrano, well intentioned just really don't do the job.

    Actually, the whole history of the California missions seems like good fodder for this comic.
    the longer I am around this planet, the more I feel that "good intentions" are usually a happy mask, a lie we tell ourselvbes to cover for our own greed and desires. Is this an uplifting letters page or what?!

    I will be in awe of them [Roberts and Gieni] and their talents forever, as well as the lettering by Pat Brosseau. His wonderful work contributes so much to each character's voice.
